Most Iconic Brands of the Generation
From time to time, one revolutionary idea changes everything. That idea often in form of a multinational multibillion dollar firm survives for decades and often guides the industry into the incredible innovations of the next few decades to come, until some other new idea re-revolutionizes the whole game and a new era starts. In this series I want to talk about the 5 most influential and innovative ideas of our current generation. These brands have not only created multi-multi billion dollar business setups but have also been marred with biggest controversies (more often than not). Lets see if u agree... Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley once endorsed Coca Cola The Coca Cola Company- The first bottle of Coca Cola was sold in 1886. Since then, it has become a 200 Billion dollar company and has created a massive market for soft drinks. Rivals like PepsiCo USA and RC Cola are not far behind either. The iconic cursive logo is one of the most identifiable across the globe. In fact C...