To have or Not to have a Pet

I bought a brand new Dell Keyboard today and I was so excited to check it out, but had no idea what to write. So here's something that everybody loves- Puppies. Ever since my childhood it has been my dream to have a pet of my own and dogs are my biggest fantasy. My parents were never pet persons so we never had any animal at home. Since I moved out 3 years ago I have always thought about it. Some two years back I made up my mind and got myself a tiny little fish bowl. It made me so happy. Over time I have upgraded it to a small planted aquarium with a few neon tetras and shrimps. But there is some reservations to call tiny little fishes my pets. First they are very tiny. Second they are not intelligent enough to understand me as their "hooman" . Third they do not response back with love and affection. Fourth their life spans are often very short. So you see fishes and aqua scaping are amazing hobbies but that's just it- a hobby. On the contrary bigger mammals like cats and dogs are much more intelligent and humane. They understand more. They feel more and they resonate well with your kind gestures of affection. well! At least the dogs do.

But as a bachelor there is a lot to consider before you go out and adopt a dog. They need your time, your energy and your cash. They need exercise, fresh air. They need wide open spaces to run. They need vets and check ups and vaccinations. They need proper balanced diet. They are very expensive to buy and to take care. And I'm broke and alone right now.....

Two years in and I'm kinda bored of my aquarium which is very shameful to admit. I have promised my self that as soon as I become properly self reliant and can afford it, I'm getting one or even more pups in my life. They are such amazing creatures. So loyal, so lovely and warm and fuzzy. Oh! I cannot wait for that day. It would be a dream come true for me to shower that baby with all the love and kindness that I possibly have. It will at least take me five more years for that and I'm ready to wait.

So now that you know about my puppy fetish and I know that my new keyboard works wonderfully, its time to say ciao, see you again later....


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