A goodbye full of laughter

Every living being has his or her own sets of problems, nobody in fact ever came to life with all the happiness in the world. Of course those problems vary in depth and perception, a girl's problem with obesity may not seem to be a big deal compared to a broke father with terminally ill child crying for money, but in her world, her weight is her biggest enemy and her love for cakes- the weakness.

so when life gives u lemons, u look for happiness elsewhere- pets, drinking with friends, shopping, solo entertainment or anything, anything that makes u forget the pain of reality. On one such eve, two and a half years back I discovered a show called "the big bang theory." You must have at least heard of it. If u haven't I will be pleased to tell you.

The big bang theory is an American sit-com show started 10 years ago, by warner brothers (yeah, the harry potter makers) featuring four nerds Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Rajesh working at Caltech University. Each of the 4 have their own funny quirks but the show is quite carried on, on the shoulders of Sheldon who is annoying, obsessive, compulsive genius with pathological superiority complex. There is also a beautiful girl, Penny who changes Leonard's life pretty much the first time he saw her.

I became addicted very soon, to the amazing chemistry, punches and new characters. I saw a part of me in every single character. It pretty much filled a void that has existed since moving here. In no time I watched all the available seasons, and re-watched, and again, then came the new seasons and my pattern continued.

Right now, the tenth season of the show is airing and there are rumours that it might be the last season of the show. Sad-isn't it!!! It broke my heart when I heard that. Clearly, I wasn't ready to bid adieu to my virtual friends. I researched on the net only to find out there has been no official confirmation of the news either.

Well, to say the least, I will miss them. A lot. You may like a lot of shows and movies, but the one that feels closer to home, feels like your own story, and has a special place in your heart and mind, then it cant be replaced. It was a world where imperfections made you the hero of the story, a place where you see every one else striving too to fit in. A place where friends were real and many, and love was somewhere around the corner.

Well, that's what entertainment is for, and this particular group of people supplied me with much. Although its still not clear how much concrete these rumours are, but I hope to get to see them again and again. or else it will be a goodbye full of laughter...

Thank you,
see you soon.


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