My new found obsession with APPLE!!!

We all have seen them. We all quite know it. There is no single tech firm alive that produces gadgets as cool and good looking as Apple. This statement holds true about macs and iPads. As far as iPhone goes, ever since the Chinese corps got there eyes on it, not so much. On an unrelated note the first cloned animal was Dolly- the sheep :p

Now in India, Apple has a market share of 2% amongst smartphones, lower in case of laptops. These low figures can be easily attributed to the staggering prices of its products. But because of ever improving income and lifestyle, the numbers are increasing and the firm is very positive about its future here. There are a lot of people who hate Apple for unnecessarily pricing its products so high, keeping the profit margins so massive that others can only dream about it and hence the products beyond the reach of a common man. What they fail to understand is that its a marketing strategy to make its products look aspirational, a status symbol if u will, and when all those people reach to the point in there lives in the next few years where they can afford high end products, Apple will be the choice all the way.

I was one of those people who find it a bitter strategy, and as a consequence I hated Apple. I would not hold back myself upon any opportunity to call people "i-sheeps" and ridicule there naivety for supporting a brand who gives them "half the features at twice the price." And anyone singing praises of it would get over my nerves easily. Now here I am, drooling over every apple launch event and envying all my i-friends.

This feeling is actually very new. Started mid December on a fine afternoon when my dear friend called me to accompany him to the computer shops. He needed a new laptop and could use my suggestions. The call was partly because I am big gadget braniac and can provide helpful suggestions, and partly because I love such an experience so much that I rather miss a meal then an opportunity to buy a shiny new gizmo and all my friends know that very well. My friend was leaning towards the latest HP flagships and so was I, essentially because I am a Microsoft fan boy. So we toured the HP showroom, Dell, Lenovo, had lunch and then dropped into a fine Unicorn Apple Showroom.

The ambience was so cool, it started tempting my prior reservations, let alone the products. We reached to the computer section and feasted on a line of shiny macbooks, both old and new models and there it was. Brand new MacBook pro's 2016, both with and without touch bar. I felt head over heels on the very first sight of the gorgeous piece of innovation and imagination. The built quality, the display, the colour, the weight- everything suddenly seemed heavenly. The price was pretty "heavenly" too. I could not stop but wish if could buy one. My friend liked it too but was confused if he should wait for arrival of recently launched HP spectre lineup. All I could say was- However long you wait, it won't be as good as this, its Apple!!! My friend bought it.

There went my YEARS of brand loyalty towards Microsoft and Google in the garbage. And I don't think its returning any time soon. Oh! the cravings I'm having these days to own an Apple product is mind numbing, any Apple product. Right now I do not earn. So I have a plan and I'm going to stick to it. Till then I will just keep drooling. ;p

There you go. See how Apple's marketing strategy turned over my years of respectful loyalty towards other brands within an hour. And I am sure it had a big role to play in the rise of Apple as the richest brand of 21st century. Anyways what's done is done and I am okay with it. It was bound to happen sometime in my life, pretty sure.

I hope you enjoyed reading my experience. Will be back with more stories soon... Peace Out.


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