I Confess I am a Shopaholic

If you think only women have a tendency to get addicted to shopping, then let me tell you sir/madam, guys can be just as obsessed with it. Ask me! I have been, for years. There's nothing quite like it, the satisfaction and joy and warmth that shopping brings. If it were a scientific profession, there sure would be a Noble in my future. :p

The first time I watched this movie "Confessions of a shopaholic", I had no idea this would be my go to future, kinda. Well in a milder way, I donot have a $16000 debt on my head but there is some here and there. :p It all started in New Delhi, when me and my bestie realised making compromises here and there in daily life leaves a lot of room for fun. Like movies everyday and buying new watches just cuz the present one has gotten "sweaty". Since then shopping has become my drug. Whenever I'm sad or depressed, I wanna shop. whenever I'm lonely, shopping keeps me company. And when I'm happy, shopping makes me happier.

Now when I reached college, I realised there's so much more I wanna have and enjoy. So my expenditure sky rocketed every now and then, and I had to make severe compromises in daily life. There was no financial safety net left for me and I had to wriggle through days with very little finances waiting for my parents to send me my next bout of pocket money. And things would seem golden again. My obsessions spread from clothes and watches to shoes and cosmetics, and my finances kept ruining and rotting. After couple of years of that experience I had an epiphany. That was not a way to live a life. Compromising on every aspects of daily life just to buy shiny new things!!! I was not that person.

So, I took a resolution that I wont buy any stuff, until and unless I actually need it. I adhered to it very strictly and over a year now, my finances got much healthier and unfortunately I gained too much of weight. Weight aside, I also realised its not the quantity of stuff that matters, its the quality of stuff. So if I need anything now, I save first by sustainable cost cutting and then I buy that. It brings the joy of shopping once in a while and the peace of my mind when I sleep at night. Such a beautiful story!!!

Now that brings me to my sister's wedding, when all those epiphanies and resolutions went out the window. I shopped and shopped, much more then I needed and with a big debt on my head once again, I'm back to square one. :( Maybe it wasn't meant to be. I am a shopaholic and I will probably stay that way all my life, and its fine, its one of those things that make me the person who I am. As long as I don't go bankrupt. I'm slowly bringing the old mantra of not buy unnecessary stuff back in my life. Hoping for the best.

Peace Out...


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