My First Blogger Friend

When I started blogging, I had no idea what I was doing. I had something different in my mind and none of the blogs I read resembled it. They looked more like casual websites and online market places then blogs. But I went on and did what I liked. A blog to write about my thoughts, my stories, my inspirations and my fictions. And I'm very lucky to have inspired a fellow friend at college to start her own blog. Although she clearly objects when I say I inspired her, but we all know the truth. LOL!! Anyways She takes immense interest in Calligraphy i.e. visual art of writing and she is really amazing at it. She is also slightly cray-cray but that's a different point. Here is something she made for me.

Thank you so much girl for making this for me. You are seriously talented.

Her blog is called The Enchanted Ink Drop. How well thought is that and I would like all my friends to visit her blog and see for yourself how gifted she is. You probably know her already, if we study together.

Click here to reach her blog.

Just FYI, her Blog address is


Here is a sweet pic of us together. And below is an amazing video she made of this art work.



  1. Wonderful, and you said i am cray crayπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
    Oh that pic!! Our trip to the primary health center πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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