Our Society and Our Doctors: Part II

The patients these days are no sheep either. Think about it. As the Doctors became more commercial, the patients became smarter, in there own ways.

A lot of patients come to hospital with their own Diagnosis and ask prescription for that. Thanks Internet!!! They happen to think a five minutes research on WebMD outshines the last 15 years of experience the Doctor has. Sadly the diagnosis they generally come up with are too far fetched and serious. And luckily theres no discount for patients who diagnose themselves, the fees remains the same. :D So that's a win for us at the end. Silver linings. I used to be one of those people and when my friends pointed that out, I decided to always take a Doctors opinion when I'm ill instead of WebMD treatments, till I become one myself.

Further ever since Indian patients learned that they can sue Doctors for any unsatisfactory treatment or accidents, they have started using it for their benefits. I have read news reports about how some Doctors are fighting unfair lawsuits in order to extract money by their patients on matters ranging from unnecessarily expensive prescriptions to attempt to rape. The court and police investigate the matters and when found true, it was surely worth it, but at times its not and the doctor loses too much. Aside from loss of business, the Doctor loses respect in the field as a lot of people hear about his arrest and gossip about it but not much of them actually follow the trial to realise it was a false accusation and enlighten others about it.

Well! Going to the court or police in case of trouble is the civilised thing to do. But we are Indians. We love to serve justice with our own hands, no matter the facts. It happens in every part of the country, it has been happening for a long time and it will happen again. The most recent case of Doctors being beaten up by patient's relative was in Maharashtra it self and all Doctors striked against it. An Orthopedic Surgeon was severely beaten up cuz he dared to refer a patient with a massive head injury to a Neuro-Surgeon. What a shame!!! Such strikes happen at least 3 times a year in different parts of the country and each time the government assures of proper security for Doctors but nothing really changes. This time the Court had the audacity to say “It is a shame on the profession; if doctors go on strike like factory men, then they are unfit to be doctors.” Well if I were the Chief Minister I would castrate these people and send them to jail for life. No regrets!!!

Well, this was mostly about literate patients in urban areas, lets talk about the other side of the spectrum. On my last visit to my grand parents village in Bihar, I was told about the story of a man on wheel chair. He had polio. He had polio because as a child, his grand mother decided not to get him vaccinated since his elder brother suffered from fever when he received BCG. So the child grew up with polio impaired physically, emotionally and sexually. Good job grand ma!! He did have kids though and all the time I kept wondering- How did he do it??? :O :D We still come across such people now who decide not to get there kids vaccinated, which is an utter failure for us as a country and its doctors in 2017. In rural areas there are people who still believe in quacks, superstitions, babas and their black magic over doctors and rather give births at their houses then hospitals.

We as Indians have come a long way from the times when the British left us in bits and pieces, but theres still a very long way yet to go. Its very important for people to learn there civic rights but its also important to learn how to use it judiciously. And that violence is not a solution to any problem. Also that when doctors 'play' with your bodies you lose a kidney, imagine what would they do if they started being 'violent' with your body. LOL!! Just kidding. Most Doctors are very good people. Ciao.


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